Meet William Pheloung!


William Pheloung is a brilliant programmer with an avid dedication to perfecting his craft through video games! We’re excited to be working with such a capable engineer that will help us bring you a solid gaming experience.

William enjoys writing, so we asked him to give us a short bio to introduce you all to the latest member of Team HakJak!

I'm William Pheloung, and I love making games. I've been programming for video games since I was a kid. Professionally, I worked as a programmer at Xbox on Dev Tools for five years before joining HakJak to work on Pigeon Simulator.

In my spare time, I've been working on hobbyist indie games, including my favorite project, _keyboardkommander, which is used in classrooms.

I grew up in New Jersey, but fortunately I managed to escape to Seattle. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, with a Dual Major in Computer Science and Games and Simulations Arts and Sciences.

Currently, I serve as a board member for Seattle Indies, where I coordinate meetups and events. We do a lot to support and invest in the local game dev community in Seattle. My favorite meetup is our Saturday co-working session, which I host at the Seattle Center Armory.

I work in video games because they are the pinnacle of human expression. They intersect many art forms and allow the player to engage with them interactively. At their core, video games are a medium that allows for player agency and immersion in a way that other artistic mediums cannot match. Video games have the unique ability to transport players to other worlds and let them explore different perspectives. They can be used to educate and inform, as well as entertain.

When I’m not doing something games-related, I’m usually doing something athletic to unwind. I rock climb a lot, but when the pandemic started and gyms closed, I had to get creative with my workouts. My former roommate suggested I try pole dancing due to the skill overlap, and I was hooked immediately! It's a great workout, and three years later I’m the maximum Pole Sport Organization rank.

William in a Nutshell

  • Loves learning new advanced language features for C#

  • Is a Visual Studio power user

  • Owns four goth trench coats so he can pretend he’s in one of the matrix movies

  • Has two amazing cats