v0.5.0: Achievements, Rewards, and Larry's Hardcore Challenges
Version 0.5 has been released upon the world!
Now you can earn Steam Achievements, view some basic Stats, unlock sweet Hats for your main characters, and brave the crazy aerial challenges of Larry and his rocket lawn chair!
Gotta catch 'em all!
Steam Achievements, Stats, and in-game Rewards have arrived, and even more will be added in the future!
- Added 15 Steam Achievements (11 standard + 4 hidden)
- Added a handful of Steam Stats (local & aggragate global)
- Made Achievement unlocks retroactive where possible (ie-you don't have to re-complete tracks to unlock Rewards; forced level skips do not count)
NOTE: Steam Cloud Saves not yet supported; all track times are saved locally.
Larry, lookin' like a stud in his Viking helmet
Each Achievement is linked to an in-game Reward (Hats), so you can show-off your accomplishments with some sweet new headgear, and maybe other in-game items in the future.
Kickstarter backers at applicable levels will also receive their exclusive Wacky Hats Pack soon too! (I just gotta figure out how Steam's in-game item system works first....)
Prepping the new SmartBomb launcher
Larry is ready to compete at last. Prepare yourself for some hardcore rocket-powered challenges!
- Added 7 Official Tracks
- Built in a brand new map: Lucid City
Larry and his rocket lawn chair are finally out of the prototype stage, but it's still unruly vehicle (it is just 4 rockets strapped to a chair, after all). It will definitely take some practice and skill to master this unique character and his deadly courses. If you have any troubles don't fret, more Class F characters will be added later, with easier controls and handling.
SUPER IMPORTANT TIP: use the "Roll" buttons to turn Larry in the air!
Larry Improvements:
- Improved automatic camera rotation issues when vehicle is at extreme angles; general camera and control improvements
- Increased rocket power, for more responsive control
- Increased character's strength; can survive impacts and landings more easily
- New voice audio; Larry finally has a real voice!
- Removed "prototype" status
Blood and gore FX for major body parts has been improved even more. Added dynamic blood spray when major parts are dismembered, as well as little meat chunks and bone fragments for even more satisfying and bloody damage.
Too much? No worries... a setting will be added later for adjusting blood amounts.
Eeeezy peeezy
Death Lasers
You requested lasers, you got lasers! These deadly red beams will instantly heat any flesh they touch to an exploding point!
These don't target the player directly, but instead point in a fixed direction or rotate in a predictible manner.
Larry's own invention may be his downfall
Reflector Rays
These experimental death beams were originally invented by Larry himself, but when he went off the deep end, his brother and arch-nemsis, Harry, stole the credit and the glory. Now Larry's own invention is being used against him!
Watch out when you see one of these. They can be reflected up to 100 times off of specific surfaces and shoot 3 times farther than red beams.
But they look so happy :)
Smart Bombs
Another product of Larry's genius, these rocket-powered explosives will seek out their target and then lock-on when within range, exploding after a designated time. When you start to see them flash red you better get out the way!
Well that one's gonna hurt...
Improved Control Mapping system:
- Control elements can now be assigned to multiple inputs (click "Add" instead of "Replace" when re-assigned inputs)
- UI navigation elements can now be re-assigned as well.
Community Track Menu Improvements:
- Community Tracks Menu now pops up immediately in-game; removes unnecessary load time.
- Fixed bug that caused Community Tracks filter to stop working after using "Change Track" or return arrow buttons from Pause Menu in Community Tracks.
- Improved controller/keyboard navigation for the new Community Tracks menu (still needs more work)
Other Bug Fixes / Improvements:
- Fixed language settings menu bugs
- Fixed bug that caused music to restart during respawn, instead of playing continuously.
- Removed "Main Menu" button from Pause Menu during Level Editor "Quick Play" mode.
- Fixed Chapel Hill terrain bug that caused blood splatter to not show and crashes/missing terrain on some machines.
- Replaced custom road shaders with more performant standard shaders.
- Minor improvements to "smart cam" predictive movements for all vehicle classes
- Added 30+ Hats, which will be linked to new Achievemnts over time.
- Finished adding remaining Level Editor Objects to localization system (ATTN TRANSLATORS: only terms ending in "_ObjectMap" are important; others are optional, since they also have image icons).
- Assorted language edits
NOTE: Localization updates will be minimal during Early Access, since everything continually changes. Localization will be given a final, major review and update when the game nears completion.
Now that we've reached v0.5, work on the remaining Kickstarter Rewards is about to kick off soon!
I'm learning how Steam's in-game content unlock system works so I can set this up properly (rather than just sending out generic codes that anyone could use). As soon as I get that figured out, I'll setup the Wacky Hat Packs, Golden Crowns, and the Golden Bicycle Rewards. Once those are out, I'll be reaching out to each of the high-end backers to start production on the final, Custom Rewards and Halls of Glory content.