Community Vote #3: Pedro and Priorities
Pedro, a favored getaway driver for The Cartel... or at least he used to be
Community Vote #3 has begun!
Vote on Steam to decide which version of Pedro will make it into the final game.
Past | Present | Future
Also, help decide which of these features gets added next:
- Guts
- Blood/Gore Settings: increase, decrease, or turn off
- Desert Theme: textures and props
- Snow and Ice: textures and props
- Time of Day + Lights with color options
- Special FX: fog, dust, smoke, embers, etc.
- More Materials: lava, death fog, transparency, etc.
- AI Vehicle Updates: more types (Mad Max anyone?), updated models, ragdoll drivers
- Level Editor optimization: double level size limit
- Camera Switch: toggle between characters
- Orbit Camera: move mouse to look around; snaps back after you stop
- Community Track Leaderboards
- Pedestrian AI: simple wander and flee behaviors
- Driver Ragdoll Movement: apply forces to flop around in a given direction
- Steam Avatar Box: add your "signature" to levels by dropping in a resizable cube with your Steam Avatar icon on it.
- Tutorial Videos / Guide
- Zero Gravity Zones
- More Hazards: _________?
- More Special Items: _________?
- More Props: _________?
- Other...?
Comment below or on Steam to cast your vote and help prioritize development on Guts and Glory!